It begins: President Trump likely to declare national emergency at 9pm today

President Trump plans to address the nation tonight in a 9pm Eastern broadcast that will be carried by all the major news networks. During this broadcast, he is widely expected to invoke a national emergency over the continued illegal invasion and occupation of America by foreign nationals. These law-breaking criminals are using America’s open borders to engage in widespread human trafficking, drug smuggling, gun running and the invasion of America with violent criminal illegal aliens who are granted “sanctuary” status by treasonous Democrats like former California Gov. Jerry Brown.

As has previously reported, President Trump is technically already operating with a declaration of a national emergency. Accordingly, he may not use the phrase “national emergency” in tonight’s address, since that designation has already been invoked and is legally in place. The declaration grants President Trump broad emergency power, many of which were established under former President Barack Obama. As reported by Natural News in 2012, Barack Obama already declared the president’s power to seize all national resources in times of emergency:

On March 16, 2012, President Obama issued an executive order entitled, “NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS.” (…)

This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done “to promote the national defense” — a phrase so vague that it could mean practically anything.

That executive order grants the President the power to seize all forms of communications, production, natural resources, transportation, energy and much more. It was invoked by Barack Obama with a plan to hand that power to future President Hillary Clinton, who would invoke the emergency powers to declare a national emergency over “gun violence,” followed by nationwide gun confiscation and mass arrests of conservative journalists.

Notably, Barack Obama declared that executive order “as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States,” setting up the precedent for military action to address whatever national emergency was subsequently declared. What Obama didn’t realize, of course, is that the American people would reject a Clinton presidency and elect an anti-establishment President who wants to protect America rather than gutting it. Thus, all the executive powers and military precedent declared by Obama has been inherited by President Trump.

It’s time to unleash the military police to arrest the deep state traitors who are conspiring to destroy America from within

During his national address, President Trump will likely affirm the urgent crisis of illegal aliens crossing a largely unprotected border. He will designate Pentagon budget money to build a wall of some sort, and he will highlight the dereliction of duty by deranged Democrats whose only future lies in recruiting more illegal alien voters via illegal border crossings.

Trump’s invocation of a national emergency to fund the border wall will indicate the beginning of the new war to defend America against traitors and globalists who are desperately trying to occupy and overrun the country in order to destroy its national sovereignty. Tonight’s broadcast is merely the first step in many steps yet to come. Trump is refusing to surrender America to the treachery of Democrats and their globalist controllers, and he is demonstrating that when it comes to the Trump presidency, America comes first.

Naturally, Democrats and the left-wing media will go ballistic as Trump orders the construction of a border wall, and they will ratchet up their efforts to have Trump impeached, assassinated or silenced (by censoring his Twitter account, for example). This will only result in Trump further invoking presidential powers to defend America against the Democrat traitors who despise this great nation and are infuriated when anyone attempts to defend America against an invasion of illegal foreign nationals.

Join me in calling for President Trump to unleash the military police in a nationwide campaign to arrest the treasonous traitors operating within the deep state, the Democrat party and the anti-America propagandists pretending to be “media.” Most of these individuals are communists, and they’re all working for globalists as part of a coordinated conspiracy to collapse our constitutional republic, overrule democracy and oust a duly-elected President.

President Trump needs to know that We the People are able to and ready to help defend this nation against the enemies within. “All enemies, foreign and domestic” must be opposed by the American people… by every available means. As I recently wrote on

It’s time to activate the military police and hand them a list of the deep state traitors who have attempted to carry out a treasonous political coup rooted in illegal government spying under President Obama, the falsification of “evidence” used to deceive the FISA court, witness tampering by Robert Mueller, illegal leaks by James Comey, official corruption by Hillary Clinton, and multiple acts of treason against America approved by Obama and dutifully carried out by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Arrest the deep state traitors, indict them for crimes against America and prosecute them.

As I also pointed out in that story, it’s time for real America to arrest and prosecute the CEOs of the evil tech giants; root out the anti-American communists pretending to be journalists; arrest and eliminate the domestic terrorism recruitment “professors” operating in universities; purge all deep state operatives from government and imprison them for life.

It has taken two years for the American people to really wake up and see the level of treason being committed by the deep state, the CIA-run media, anti-Trumpers (like McCain) and the deranged, lawless Democrats. But now the American people are increasingly aware of what’s really at stake. They see how American has been targeted for destruction by the treacherous Democrats, and they are ready to take a stand to defend America at all costs.

We are willing to fight to defend America, and every former or current member of the armed forces, police departments and sheriff’s departments has taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. It will soon be time to make good on that oath. America must defend herself or she will be “suicided” by the Democrats.

We are blessed to have Trump as President… a man willing to fight for survival against an onslaught of deception, tyranny and destruction of the deranged Left and its globalist controllers.

Watch Trump’s address tonight and be awed by what real courage looks like. America shall be defended. The American people will not surrender to left-wing lunacy, open borders tyranny and globalist rule.
